What Should I Eat 30 Minutes Before a Run?

An optimal snack to have before running is one that is low in carbohydrates, sugar, and fibre. What works best for you will depend on your unique diet. On the other hand, two to three portions of fruits or vegetables are advised by most runners.


If you're planning a lengthy run, you might want to try eating some simple carbohydrates half an hour before you go out. Good options for simple sugars are bananas, dates, applesauce, and energy chews. Depending on your running intensity and pace, you should ideally aim for an intake of 30 to 90 grammes of carbohydrates every hour.

Though they aid in fat burning, the body actually prefers to use stores of glycogen for energy. The body can use its stores of glycogen for almost half an hour before turning to protein and fat for energy. Overindulging in carbohydrates prior to a run increases the likelihood of experiencing discomfort and bloating during the exercise.

Eat some simple carbohydrates at least 30 minutes before your run to stay hydrated and sustain your energy level. You can get a consistent amount of energy from a banana or a handful of dates and nuts. You can get more endurance by topping a banana with nuts and peanut butter.


Depending on your needs, you may or may not want to consume low-fibre foods for thirty minutes before going for a run. Ignore the pre-run snack if your morning run is going to be a fast one. On the other hand, you should eat a modest snack at least half an hour before starting a long run.

There are numerous choices available for pre-run fuel. To determine which brand and flavour suit you the most, try experimenting with a few different ones. While some runners might favour solid fuel, others could favour liquid. You might want to think about making your own fuel. Fuel needs to be low in fat and fibre and high in carbohydrates. Another option is to use honey packets, which are low in calories and poor in fibre.

At least 80% of the pre-workout meal should be made up of carbs, with very little fat or fibre. Carbohydrates should occupy the space occupied by fats and proteins. Furthermore, the body absorbs foods with a low glycemic index (GI) more readily than foods with a high GI.

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