What is the longest-living dog breed?

The breed and lifestyle of the owner determine the response. If they lead the correct lifestyle, a typical pug can live up to fifteen years. This breed is a great option for someone who is new to dog ownership because it requires little upkeep. The pug is incredibly playful and enjoys making its owners laugh, even with its flat face.


The largest breed of dog is the beagle. Their quick growth gives them the ability to grow massive and strong, but it can also lead to problems like cancer. They do not live as long as other breeds, even though they can have quite lengthy lives. A beagle's lifespan can vary greatly, although it usually lasts about 12 years. Only six or ten years are lived by some breeds.

The Beagle breed does not have a fixed longevity age, but it is advised to take it to the vet every two years to ensure it is healthy and free of any ailments. Additionally, testicular cancer, which affects more men than women, is a risk factor for beagles. For older Beagles, spaying or neutering is a smart choice since it lengthens their lives and lowers their risk of cancer.


It is known that Chihuahuas can live up to 20 years or longer. They are prone to specific health issues, though, so their longevity is not assured. Their longevity could be significantly shortened by these problems. There are various things you can do to make sure your Chi stays healthy and long into their golden years.

Chihuahuas typically live sixteen to twenty years, though some claim they have lived longer. This is caused by a confluence of environmental and genetic variables. They typically have slower metabolisms and fewer health issues because they are little dogs. The breed's little stature could be the main cause of their longevity. Due to their diminutive stature, Chihuahuas don't need much exercise.

Miniature poodle

One of the healthiest breeds of dogs is the miniature poodle. It may, however, also present with certain health issues. For instance, skeletal dwarfism, progressive retinal atrophy, and degenerative myelopathy can all be common in little poodles. Nonetheless, a cheek swab can easily identify these illnesses.

Since all poodles will eventually pass away, it is vital to provide them with the greatest life possible. These breeds typically pass away from cancer or heart disease. Some, though, may pass away unexpectedly from heart disease or bloat.

Cardigan Welsh corgi

The Cardigan The Welsh Corgi is the breed with the longest lifespan, despite its small size. They are able to live longer than the typical purebred dog, ranging from 11 to 15 years. Although corgis are known to be prone to illness, they can live even longer with the right care. In general, female Corgis outlive males by a few years, given their size. These two breeds have nearly identical average lifespans, per 2004 research. They also have a lot of similar causes of death in common.

To keep your cardigan To keep the Welsh corgi's coat healthy, give it a frequent brushing. This breed sheds twice a year, so now is the perfect time to brush him or her. Additionally, clip the hair surrounding their feet to prevent them from bringing dirt into your house.

Australian cattle dog

The longest-living canine in the world is the Australian cattle dog. Its lifespan has really been documented at 29 years and 5 months. In 1910, Les Hall, his owner, got him as a puppy. The dog was euthanized on November 14, 1939, after serving as a sheep and cattle worker for almost twenty years. Numerous factors affect a dog's lifespan, such as diet, body size, and inheritance.

Dogs often live between 12 and 16 years, despite this fact. The title for the longest-living dog belongs to the Australian cattle dog, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Butch the Beagle, who lived to be over twenty-eight years old, has outlived it. Bramble, a border collie that lived to be nearly 25 years old, holds the second record.

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