See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 11 Key Points

Acupressure, an age-old technique, can help us with more than just minor annoyances like headaches, colds, the flu, and weariness. Additionally, it can benefit our general wellbeing.We offers you 11 incredible pressure points that will innately aid in the healing of your body and mind. The methods we present to you are unique in that they can be used at any time, anyplace.However, before trying anything else out, you should always speak with a professional.

1.Feng Chi

headaches, stiff neck, blurry vision, dizziness, and cold/flu symptomsHow to find: Insert the tips of your middle fingers into the area where the top of your neck and the base of your head meet (this is directly above the spine). The two trapezius tendons (which will feel like a pair of thick ropes beneath your fingers) will then move apart from each other when the two fingers are separated from one another.How to use: For one to three minutes, massage the area you've found with your fingers. Repeat as often as you like.

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